Work Hoogezand - Zuidbroek in spring break

During the spring holidays, Gebr. De Koning B.V. and subcontractors will be working on the Hoogezand Zuidbroek railway line. ProRail and the contractor are currently preparing the work.

Photo: Stefan Verkerk

Activities and planning

During the spring break, work will be carried out around the track between Hoogezand-Sappemeer and the Muntendammerdiep in Zuidbroek. Among other things, the contractor will install sheet piling and carry out groundwork. The work will be carried out during the spring holidays to minimise disruption to passengers and local residents. 


The works between Hoogezand and Zuidbroek are part of the Wunderline, the future faster and more comfortable train connection between Groningen and Bremen. Due to modifications on and around the tracks and the new construction of the Friesenbrücke in Germany, the travel time between these cities will be significantly reduced.